Program parkir dengan php
Program parkir dengan php

Dasar Dasar Rekayasa Transportasi Jilid 2 Edisi Ketiga. (2005), “Analisis Kebutuhan Parkir pada Rumah Sakit Umum Kelas B Di Kota Semarang”, Tesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. (1995), Perencanaan dan Teknik Lalu Lintas Edisi Kedua, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. for that it is necessary to increase the area of parking or the creation of new parking spaces with vertical parking (multi-storey parking).ĭirektur Jenderal Perhubungan Darat, (1996), Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Fasilitas Parkir, Jakarta: Departemen Perhubungan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Darat. The results of this study show: (1) 3353 vehicles entering parking conditions, there are 2917 visitors parking visitors and 436 non-hospital parking users, (2) the highest volume on Thursday 613 vehicles, (3) the highest accumulation of parking on Thursday at 19.00 - 20.00 as many as 340 vehicles and the average maximum accumulation value of 287 vehicles while there are 267 SRP, it is concluded that the accumulation of parking exceeds the area of the parking space unit, (4) the highest parking duration is vulnerable time 120-180 minutes, (5) the number of parking changes an average 1.79 vehicle / parking lot means that for one parking lot serving more than one vehicle, (6) the parking index is an average of 107.54%, so parking facilities are said to be problematic because ip> 100%. The research was carried out for 7 days / 1 week, whereas in 24 hours of sampling throughout the day starting at 06.00-06.00 WIB. The research data collection method is by recording the number of motorcycle plates that enter and exit complete with time, as well as directly asking the needs of parking visitors. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of motorcycle user parking and to determine the characteristics of motorcycle users in the hospital. This happens because the location of the strategic hospital is on the inter-city public transportation lane, triggering non-hospital visitors to leave their motorbikes. Other needs such as entrusting vehicles to get out of the city, to the office and work in companies outside the city of Pasuruan, etc.

program parkir dengan php

Parking space needs for hospital visitors motorcycle users are influenced by 2 things, among others: 1) Parking land users are indeed hospital visitors aiming for the needs of the hospital, 2) Parking land users are indeed non hospital visitors who deliberately leave their vehicles for purposes other than the hospital. Soedarsono is the only government-owned hospital and first in the city of Pasuruan, so this hospital is indirectly the main reference for residents. 5 of 2011 About Special Parking Lot Retribution and setting parking charges on Beachwalk in Badung doesnt follow the regulation because Beachwalk used per/hour price for parking that contradictive with Regional Regulation No. 28 Year 2009 on Regional Taxes and Retribution and Regional Regulation No. The results and conclusions obtained namely that the setting of the Retribution in Regulation No. In this study, the raised issue is how regulation of retribution and whether price retribution on Beachwalk entertainment center in the district has been delinquent in accordance with the laws and regulations. The research method used in this paper is the normative legal research, research based on the rule of law and regulations.

program parkir dengan php

5 of 2011 About Retribution Determination of Special Parking retribution rates should be held based on the applicable laws and regulations.

program parkir dengan php program parkir dengan php

There are three types of retribution that public service charges, retribution for services, and certain licensing retribution. Retribution is a retribution made by the Government to the person or legal entity as a source of regional revenue. This paper entitled "Fixing Parking Retribution on Beachwalk Entertainment Center in Badung".

Program parkir dengan php